- "In the Middle of the Night," "Matinicus," "My Wife Can't Stay Inside," Northern Journeys
- "The Dolphin," The Christian Science Monitor
- "The Plane Trip" and "May Days," Fire Exit
- "Cricket," Aurorean
- "Between My Hands" and "In The World," Works
- "Clashing Metal," Hanging Loose
- "In The Sun" and "The Truth," Arion's Dolphin
- "The Man In The Lime Pickup," The Spectator
- "I Type A Letter," Open Cell Magazine
- "Children's Classics Visited: England's Great Children's Authors," The Boston Globe
- "The Child in Sarah Orne Jewett," The Colby College Library Journal
- "A Word is a Word is a Word: Aram Saroyan Interview," The Boston Globe
- "Anne Sexton, Her Kind Mix Poetry With Music," The Boston Globe
- "Ruth White's 'Flowers of Evil,'" The Boston Globe
- "David Meltzer's 'Poet Song,'" The Boston Globe
- "Edward Brathwaite's 'Rights of Passage,'" The Boston Globe